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5. April 2023
Published by Jann Raveling at 5. April 2023
Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe is the largest trade fair for suppliers of hydrogen technologies. It takes place in the Hanseatic city of Bremen every September.
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15. Dezember 2022
Published by Jann Raveling at 15. Dezember 2022
Climate-neutral hydrogen is an indispensable component of our future energy supply. In Bremen, more than one billion euros are being invested in sustainable hydrogen projects – […]
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4. August 2022
Published by lena.buller at 4. August 2022
How does a hydrogen-powered car work? How do you fill it up? And is it all safe?
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7. Juli 2022
Published by lena.buller at 7. Juli 2022
Is climate-neutral hydrogen worth it? This isn’t a question that can be answered with a blanket „yes“ or „no“.
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14. April 2022
Published by lena.buller at 14. April 2022
In Bremen and Bremerhaven, companies and research institutes are working hard to turn visions into reality when it comes to climate-neutral energy like hydrogen.
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4. März 2022
Published by lena.buller at 4. März 2022
The FAUN Group is building dustbin lorries with carbon-neutral engines in Bremen.
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